Amber: Homecoming
Game Statistics
In relation to the seven Player Characters
Game Start:
Number of Points spent on Psyche: |
Number of Points spent on Strength: |
Number of Points spent on Endurance: |
Number of Points spent on Warfare: |
Total Points spent on Attributes: |
Number of distinct Ranks in Psyche: |
Number of distinct Ranks in Strength: |
Number of distinct Ranks in Endurance: |
Number of distinct Ranks in Warfare: |
1st Advancement:
Number of Points spent on Psyche: |
Number of Points spent on Strength: |
Number of Points spent on Endurance: |
Number of Points spent on Warfare: |
Total Points spent on Attributes: |
Number of distinct Ranks in Psyche: |
Number of distinct Ranks in Strength: |
Number of distinct Ranks in Endurance: |
Number of distinct Ranks in Warfare: |
This page last updated on
Wednesday, 04-Jun-2003 17:01:33 CDT
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